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Does Myopia Get Worse With Age?

a woman with myopia stares closely at a book

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is one of the most common vision disorders in children. Approximately 40% of Americans have myopia, with the trend on the rise. Projections suggest as much as 50% of the world population will have myopia by 2050! Children as young as 3 can begin developing myopia, and without a treatment […]

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Can an Eye Exam Detect Diabetes?

A male ophthalmologist looking at a retina scan on a computer monitor to assess the health of an eye.

An eye exam is about more than just updating your prescription. It’s also a powerful tool to help detect a wide range of different eye diseases and diabetes-related vision issues. Early detection and treatment are important, and your optometrist can help preserve your long-term vision with regular eye exams. A comprehensive diabetic eye exam can […]

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Are Astigmatism and Myopia the Same?

a woman holds up a pair of glasses. the entire image is blurred except for the glasses, which are held closest to the camera

Distinguishing Vision Problems When your optometrist determines your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses at a routine eye exam, many variables can affect your sight. Anything from dry eye to a poor night’s sleep can make your vision blurry or uncomfortable. But significant vision changes are commonly related to refractive errors.  While there are 4 […]

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​​Is Myopia (Nearsightedness) in Kids Dangerous?

Young happy girl with optometrist trying on glasses as solution for myopia control

Your child’s vision is precious, helping them play, learn, and experience the world around them. With how important their vision is, are refractive errors like myopia dangerous?  Continue reading to learn more about myopia, including how it can affect your child’s vision and if it’s dangerous.  What Is Myopia?  Myopia is one of the most […]

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