Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Colorado Springs

Book Your Appointment

When Should I Have My Eyes Checked?

The American Optometric Association recommends that healthy adults have their eyes checked every few years. However, we recommend having a comprehensive eye exam annually to ensure your ocular health is properly maintained.

It is best to increase your frequency of eye examinations if you:

If you’re 60 or older, it’s best to have your eyes checked annually, as your risk for developing certain eye conditions significantly increases. It’s essential to monitor your vision and request an appointment if you’re concerned.

If you’re curious about your eye health and how often you should have an exam, please give us a call so we can answer any questions you may have.

Book Your Appointment

What Will My Exam Include?

We always aim to provide the most comfortable and straightforward experience. Our goal is to ensure you are informed about your ocular health and treatment.

Before we begin an exam, we’ll have a detailed conversation about your medical history and any relevant family history. We’ll discuss any medication you’re currently taking as well as your current lens prescription.

We’ll then use a standard eye chart, called a Snellen chart, to measure your visual acuity. If necessary, we’ll use a phoropter to determine what power of corrective lens you may require for clear vision.

We’ll examine your pupils, your peripheral (side) vision, your eye movements, your eye’s internal pressure, your retina, and your optic nerve using a series of tests.

If necessary, we may recommend further specialized testing or imaging to rule out, manage, or treat various eye conditions.

If you are due for an eye exam or would like to have your eyes assessed, please contact our office to request an appointment.

Visit Our Office in Colorado Springs

Where to Find Us?

Find us on the corner of South Weber Street and Colorado Avenue.

Where to Park?

You can access our private parking lot from South Weber Street.

Our Address

110 South Weber Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Contact Information

Phone: 719-576-5844
[email protected]

Hours of Operation

8 AM7 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

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