Specialty Contact Lenses in Colorado Springs

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For patients who experience complications from corneal disease, we offer a wide range of therapeutic contact lenses to manage your symptoms.

Keratoconus, post-RK, PRK, and post-LASIK complications, ocular surface disease, corneal ectasia, pellucid marginal degeneration, and corneal irregularity due to scarring, injury, or other degenerative conditions are just some examples of what can be treated with therapeutic contact lenses.

The use of these devices are often medically necessary to achieve comfort and functional vision for many of these patients. We have made the use of these lenses a specialty within our practice.

Please book your appointment today.

EyePrint PRO Prosthetics

EyePrint creates unique contact lenses for each of your eyes by scanning your ocular surfaces to create custom fits. These specialty scleral lenses offer improved comfort and stability, and are recommended for patients with the following conditions:

People without the conditions listed above can also use EyePrint PRO lenses to enjoy a smoother and more seamless contact lens-wearing experience.

Types of Specialty Contact Lenses

Scleral contact lenses have a larger diameter than traditional contact lenses, allowing them to rest on the sclera (whites) of your eyes and “vault” over your cornea. These contacts can help patients with conditions like keratoconus achieve comfortable vision.

Our doctors at Eye Care Center of Colorado Springs all have extensive experience with scleral lenses. We see patients every day in our practice that wear these lenses to help them meet all the demands of their work and pleasure.

Find Out How to Take Care of Your Scleral Lenses:

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Ortho-K (orthokeratology) contact lenses are specially designed to help slow the progression of myopia by gently reshaping your cornea. Both children and adults can wear Ortho-k corneal-reshaping lenses and enjoy freedom from daytime glasses and contact lenses.

Did you know that contacts can rotate in place on your eye when you blink? For people with astigmatism, a refractive error that affects both the horizontal and vertical axis of your vision, this fact can make it difficult to wear traditional contact lenses.

Toric lenses are designed with a specific shape and weight to help correct refractive errors caused by astigmatism while also controlling lens rotation throughout the day. If you’ve been told you can’t wear contact lenses because you have astigmatism, these may be the best contact lens for you.

Multifocal lenses use multiple prescriptions to help patients achieve freedom from bifocal glasses or reading glasses! Multifocal lenses are also often recommended for managing the progression of myopia in children and need specific expertise to fit properly.

If you have trouble wearing traditional contact lenses, wearing hybrid contacts can help you achieve the comfort you need. Hybrid contact lenses use 2 distinct materials: a rigid gas-permeable center lens to provide clear vision, and a soft hydrogel skirt to provide comfort.

Transitions lenses can darken in bright light and become clear in low light. This helps you achieve comfortable vision in virtually any lighting situation.



  • Alcon
  • B&L
  • Acuvue
  • NaturalVue



  • Atlantis Scleral
  • Synergeyes VS Scleral
  • AVT Naturalens Scleral
  • Valley Contax Custom Stable


  • Synergeyes


  • Kerasoft IC
  • Novacone

Corneal Reshaping

  • Eyespace
  • Euclid
  • Paragon

Ready For Your Exam?

You deserve to have your eyes see and feel their best. All you have to do is book an appointment with our eye care team, and we’ll take care of the rest!

Visit Our Office in Colorado Springs

Where to Find Us?

Find us on the corner of South Weber Street and Colorado Avenue.

Where to Park?

You can access our private parking lot from South Weber Street.

Our Address

110 South Weber Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Contact Information

Phone: 719-576-5844
[email protected]

Hours of Operation

8 AM7 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

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