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Category: Eye Conditions

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How Fast Does Macular Degeneration Progress?

A simulation of macular degeneration—a green field appears blurred and greyscale in the center.

Macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss, progresses at different rates depending on the type and individual factors. While some forms advance slowly over decades, others may progress rapidly within months.  Early detection and intervention are key to managing the condition and preserving vision. Understanding how macular degeneration works and what you can do […]

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How To Unclog Meibomian Glands

An older adult uses a warm compress mask to unclog meibomian glands.

Caring for our ocular health goes beyond visiting our optometrist for routine comprehensive eye exams. It also includes paying attention to any unnecessary irritation and discomfort that we may experience. Persistent discomfort, dryness, and irritation are common symptoms of dry eyes. The key to long-term relief from these symptoms is targeting their underlying cause. In […]

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Can Diabetic Retinopathy Be Reversed?

A man looks intently into an optometry machine while an optometrist examines his eyes for diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetes can have many effects on your vision. One common eye condition caused by diabetes is diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease caused by high blood sugar, which leads to blockages in the blood vessels in the eyes. If left untreated, diabetic retinopathy can cause some serious side effects, including vision loss.  Luckily, […]

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What’s Causing Your Blurry Vision?

The blurry point of view of someone looking at their 2 coworkers.

The causes of blurry vision can be multifaceted and complex. They may range from simple factors such as eye strain or refractive errors to serious eye conditions and health conditions like macular degeneration, retinal detachment, diabetes, or high blood pressure.  In some cases, the onset of blurred vision can be sudden and alarming, potentially indicating […]

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Are Astigmatism and Myopia the Same?

a woman holds up a pair of glasses. the entire image is blurred except for the glasses, which are held closest to the camera

Distinguishing Vision Problems When your optometrist determines your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses at a routine eye exam, many variables can affect your sight. Anything from dry eye to a poor night’s sleep can make your vision blurry or uncomfortable. But significant vision changes are commonly related to refractive errors.  While there are 4 […]

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Frequently Asked Questions About Corneal Reshaping

Little nearsighted girl wearing big glasses and smiling

Corneal reshaping is a highly-effective method of myopia control. Through a pair of specialty contact lenses, we can significantly reduce the rate at which your child’s myopia progresses. Parents usually have questions about corneal reshaping, and that’s only natural. As a parent, it’s your job to get all the information you can before making a […]

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