What Are Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies develop when your immune system feels like it is sensitive to debris or pollen in the air. Though you may be allergic to something in the air, it doesn’t mean other people are! Often times the reactions to seasonal allergies vary between individuals.
Most people don’t realize that new allergies can develop into adulthood that they didn’t have as children, and some allergies can even change completely. It’s important to stay aware of your body and how seasonal allergies might affect different parts of your body! If you experience intense eye allergies, please visit your eye doctor in Colorado Springs to find the best ways to protect your eyes during these spring months.
When Is Allergy Season In Colorado?
Allergy season in Colorado typically begins in February and extends throughout spring and summer, ending in late September. Colorado has a diverse group of pollen-producing flora, including various grasses, weeds, trees, and other plants. Seasonal allergies are a common problem in the state of Colorado, and without proper preparation, often will cause eye discomfort.
Eyes And Seasonal Allergies
During spring, it’s common to experience allergies. The biggest trigger for seasonal allergies is pollen, and in most areas of the United States, Spring begins in February and can last up to the beginning of summer. In spring, most plants begin their cycles of the pollination. Tree pollination begins in early spring and grass pollination comes near the end of spring, in April. Each person reacts to these pollens in different ways and will experience allergies to some but not others!
If pollen you are allergic to gets in your eye, you’ll understand how uncomfortable allergies can be. Often times your eye will become red and slightly swollen, similar to more severe eye diseases such as pink eye. A rainy spring promotes rapid plant growth which means an increased amount of pollen in the air. As you inhale or get pollen in your eyes, your immune system might mistake the pollen as dangerous and will release antibodies made to attack the allergens. This leads to the release of histamines in the blood and they are responsible for seasonal allergy symptoms.
Symptoms Of Seasonal Allergies
Every person experiences different symptoms when it comes to seasonal allergies. Below is a list of common symptoms.
• Runny nose
• Sneezing
• Nasal and ear congestion
• Itchy eyes, nose, and throat
• Postnasal drainage
Protecting Your Eyes Against Allergies
Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of your body, and allergies affect them intensely. Taking care of your eyes when they are affected by allergies is important for their health and the sake of being comfortable. Even buying glasses can help protect your eyes from debris in the air!
Avoid Allergens
Avoiding allergens is an important step in fighting off seasonal allergies. When there are pollens and such in the air, it can be a good step to decide to stay inside. Another option is to stay away from large areas of grass and flowers, and this can help you manage being outside. Inside your house, you can install a HEPA grade filter into your air conditioning system to prevent dust and pollen from catching you indoors. Go a step further and make sure you vacuum regularly getting all the dust and pollen away from carpets and furniture.
Don’t Rub!
If your eyes are itchy and you rub them, you will only experience temporary relief because you will be stimulating the production of tears, which is how your eyes naturally react. Tears lubricate the eyes and they use them to avoid feeling dry and to relieve temporary irritation. However, the extra pressure and movement on the eyes as you rub them can release of additional histamines and your eyes will feel itchier and more irritated than before. Scratching your eyes for extended periods of time could lead to more serious eye conditions. Often times when you begin scratching your eyes, it feels impossible to stop, so don’t start!
Over The Counter
If you are experiencing mild symptoms, you can always go and buy over the counter anti-histamines. Eye drops or other eye health products can be a key part of avoiding allergies. These products can remove pollen from your eyes to begin soothing itchiness and redness. Constantly clearing mucus and being wary of your surroundings are great methods for fighting against seasonal allergies.
Is It More Than Allergies?
Some symptoms you might think are caused by allergies, could be signs of other health issues. If you notice that the allergy medications are not working or you are still experiencing the symptoms even after you go indoors, you might want to pay closer attention to your symptoms. If you start noticing pain and pressure in your face, it’s important to visit a doctor who can help you diagnose your symptoms.
Allergy Eye Care in Colorado Springs
If you are experiencing intense reactions in your eyes due to seasonal allergies, the first step is to contact our clinic for an eye exam. We will be able to equip you with the tools you need to fight against allergies and their attacks on your well-being.