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How Long Do Ortho-K Lenses Last?

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If you’re someone who relies on glasses or contact lenses for your myopia, you might be wondering if there’s an alternative. Fortunately, there is another option—orthokeratology, or ortho-k, lenses. These special lenses are worn overnight and removed during the day, giving you clear vision without the need for other corrective lenses.

Typically, these lenses last anywhere between 6 to 12 months. However, your optometrist will provide you with a schedule that outlines when they need replacing. Always make sure your lenses are in-date; this way, you can enjoy clear and comfortable vision with the benefits of ortho-k.

What Is Ortho-K?

Refractive errors like myopia develop when there’s a problem with the shape of your eye or cornea. In a properly shaped eye, light enters through the cornea, passes through a lens, then focuses clearly on the retina at the back of the eye. However, if you’ve ever used a magnifying glass, you know how much of a difference a slight change in this distance can make—just a small shift forward or backward from the eye quickly changes the clarity of an object.

When the eye is too long or the cornea is curved incorrectly, light doesn’t focus on the retina. This condition is called myopia, or nearsightedness, and causes objects to become blurrier the further they get from the eye. This is a progressive problem that typically develops during a child’s early school years before slowing down in early adulthood.

Usually, you can use contact lenses and eyeglasses to adjust light before it reaches the eye. The corrective aids adjust the light as it enters the eye to provide you with clear vision. However, they also make you reliant on wearing your corrective lenses. So what if you could enjoy clear and comfortable vision throughout the day without needing to keep your corrective lenses on at all times?

This is possible—through orthokeratology.

How Does Ortho-K Work?

Orthokeratology, commonly referred to as ortho-k, takes a different approach to treating myopia. This is a non-invasive type of myopia control—a group of strategies aiming to slow myopia progression in children. However, adults can use ortho-k as well. This treatment can slow myopia progression by up to 50%!

Ortho-k lenses don’t work like other lenses. Rather than wearing them throughout the day, you wear these lenses at night. They apply gentle amounts of pressure to the outside edges of your cornea while you sleep and slowly push the tissue into a more effective shape. Ideally, you should wear these lenses for at least 8 hours a night.

You remove the lenses in the morning; your cornea will retain its new shape throughout the day. You’ll have clear vision without needing your glasses or contacts—a convenient and extremely effective approach to myopia control. Over the next 24 hours, your cornea will slowly revert to its natural shape unless you wear your ortho-k lenses again.

It’s important to note that ortho-k doesn’t offer permanent results. If you stop using your lenses, your cornea will eventually return to an incorrect shape, after which your blurry vision will return. Your results will only last as long as you continue your ortho-k treatment.

What to Expect from Ortho-K

So what should you expect from your ortho-k treatment? Typically, you can break it down into a few periods.

A young girl in front of a small mirror smiling while looking closely at an ortho-k lens between her fingers.

The First Night

The first night of wearing Ortho-K lenses might feel a bit strange or unnatural. You might experience some mild discomfort as your eyes adjust to the lenses, but there shouldn’t be any pain. If you notice any significant discomfort, stop using the lenses immediately and contact your optometrist to discuss alternatives.

Any discomfort should fade quickly, and you’ll be able to sleep as normal.

The First Week

During the first week, your vision will start to improve. You’ll notice clearer vision each day, although it may still fluctuate as your eyes adjust to your cornea’s new shape. Consistency is key here to achieving ideal results.

The First Month

By the end of the first month, you should experience stable and clear vision throughout the day. Make sure to follow any instructions you’ve been provided and practice good contact lens hygiene to maintain your results. As long as you wear your ortho-k lenses every night, you should enjoy consistent clear vision.

How Often Do You Replace Ortho-K Lenses?

When you first get your ortho-k lenses, your optometrist will give you a schedule for replacing them. This will typically be roughly every 6-12 months, though this time can vary. The replacement schedule relies on you treating your lenses with care, so make sure to:

  • Clean your lenses daily with the recommended solution.
  • Store lenses in a clean case to prevent contamination.
  • Avoid touching the lens surface with unwashed fingers.
  • Replace the lens solution regularly in the case.
  • Do not wear lenses beyond the prescribed duration.

You should also be regularly scheduling checkups with your optometrist so they can monitor your progress. If you ever notice discomfort or pain while wearing your ortho-k lenses, talk to your optometrist so they can determine what’s going on.

Is Ortho-K Right For You?

Ortho-K lenses offer a unique and effective way to achieve clear vision without the need for glasses or daytime contacts. By wearing these lenses overnight, you can enjoy a life free from relying on other visual aids during the day. If you’re ready to explore the benefits of ortho-k and take control of your vision, contact us at Eye Care Center of Colorado Springs today to book your appointment!

Written by Eye Care Center of Colorado Springs

Our beautiful office is located in a historic building. Built in 1902, the building was originally used as a carriage house until it was acquired in the 1930s by the Van Dyke Motor Company and turned into a repair shop for Studebaker vehicles. As a nod to the building’s past, the original Van Dyke sign remains in place to this day. The original 12-foot sliding barn doors, integral for carriage house operations, now separate our retail space from our clinical space.
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